What happen in closed door meeting!!! | UNSC

United  Nations Security Council held a meeting on Friday morning, which is not a normal meeting . It was a closed door meeting.
The main purpose of this meeting is "Revoke The Article 370"
5 permanent (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States )and 10 non-permanent members are attending this meeting. India and Pakistan are not attend this meeting.

After 54 years this meeting is held for Jammu Kashmir issue. This meeting is continued during 73 minutes. Among 5 permanent members,4 permanent members are supported India. And only China is supported Pakistan. 

Council members generally feel India and Pakistan should both stop from any unilateral action over Kashmir, China's Ambassador Jun Zhang told reporters after the session.

After a break, India's UN Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin spoke. "It's entirely an internal matter for India," he said, adding: "We don't need international busybodies."
